Wednesday, June 20, 2012

One of the best make-up communities:

Hey there! Today I wanted to have a quick post on a site i absolutely love! The site, or better yet the online community, is called I found this by pure chance and ever since I've been a fan! :D What's up with the site? Simple! It's one of the biggest online communities for make-up artists where you can show off your looks, get inspired by thousands of other looks, make friends, gather followers and so on. Every week Makeupbee chooses three "Looks of the Week" which are also featured on their facebook page. You can also participate in competitions organised in partnership with famous cosmetic brands and many more. For all those of you with this passion running through their blood stream, I invite you to check out their Facebook page and their website and subscribe! :D You can also follow me on Makeupbee here: Alexandra M on Makeupbee
Here are the links:

Salutare! Astazi voi posta scurt despre un site pe care il ador! Site-ul, sau mai bine zis comunitatea online, se numeste L-am descoperit asa intamplator si de atunci sunt fana declarata! :D In ce consta aceasta comunitate? Ei bine, este printre cele mai mari comunitati online de make-up artisti unde iti poti arata machiajele, te poti inspira din miile de alte machiaje, iti poti face prieteni, strange followeri si asa mai departe. In fiecare saptamana Makeupbee alege trei "look-uri ale saptamanii" pe care le prezinta si pe pagina lor de facebook. Poti participa de asmenea si la concursuri organizate in parteneriat cu alte firme de cosmetice si multe altele. Pentru toti care aveti pasiunea asta in sange va invit sa vizitati pagina lor de facebook si site-ul lor. Ma puteti urmari aici: Alexandra M on Makeupbee 
Aveti link-urile mai sus.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lime Crime "Uniliners" Review

Salutare fetelor! As zice ca ma streseaza sesiunea dar as minti :)) mai am un examen si am terminat asa ca am acum putin timp sa postez. Au ajuns in sfarsit eyelinerele de la Lime Crime, pentru care vreau sa le multumesc inca o data celor de la LC si mai ales lui Cassie Wanda, care e o dulce!
Asa, direct la subiect:....Iata descrierea lor:

"Colored Eyeliner is a quick, easy, and creative way to take your eye makeup to the next level. 
7 eye-popping shades come in a smudge-proof formula, equipped with a precision brush for razor-sharp application, suitable for first-time users. 
HOW TO USE: Line as close to lashline as possible, let dry for a few seconds. We dare you to stack up more than one shade at once! AVAILABLE MAY 23"

Parerea mea: Sunt extraordinar de multumita de ele! Culorile sunt atat de vibrante si puternice, textura e fina si se usuca repede. Am facut un test sa vad cum se comporta in conditi de umiditate si le dau nota 10. Am trasat linii de tus pe mana si am tinut mana sub apa la robinet timp de un minut...abea dupa un minut au inceput usor sa se stearga. Imi place foarte mult pensula subtire pentru ca imi permite sa trasez linia drept sau pot realiza machiaje artistice.
Ambalajul este atat de dragut! Asa cum ati vazut si la celelalte produse :D
Chiar nu am nimic de comentat fata de eyelinere. Nota 10+!  Aveti mai jos poze si swatch-uri, precum si un machiaj realizat doar cu produse Lime Crime. Pupici!

Hey girls! I'd say I'm stressed out with my exams but then again I'd be telling a lie. :)) I still have one more exam to go and I'm done, so I have some time now to post this review. The eyeliners from Lime Crime finally arrived a few days ago and I want to thank Lime Crime again for them and especially thank Cassie Wanda who is a real sweetheart!
To cut to the chase...Here's their description:

"Colored Eyeliner is a quick, easy, and creative way to take your eye makeup to the next level. 
7 eye-popping shades come in a smudge-proof formula, equipped with a precision brush for razor-sharp application, suitable for first-time users. Vegan/Cruelty-Free. 
HOW TO USE: Line as close to lashline as possible, let dry for a few seconds. We dare you to stack up more than one shade at once! AVAILABLE MAY 23"

My opinion on them: I am soooo pleased with them! The colors are vibrant and strong, the texture is fine and dries fast. I did a little test to see how they behave in humid conditions and I clearly give them a 10! I traced a few lines of eyeliner and held my hand under running water for about a minute and they barely began to wash off after that. I really love the tip which is very thin and allows me to create a flawless shape and also do some more artistic looks.
The packaging is very cute, very Lime Crime :D
I really have nothing to dislike about them. A clean 10+! You have below some pictures of the Uniliners and swatches and also a look I did using just Lime Crime products. Kisses!

The babies :))

 Close-up for the package

De jos in sus/ From down to up:  Orchidaceous, Citreuse, Quill, Lunar Sea, Blue Milk, Lazuli, 6th Element

"Dragon Blues" Makeup with: LC Magic Dust (Dragon Scales, Nymph), LC Uniliners (Quill, Lazuli, Blue Milk), LC Opaque Lipstick (Airborne Unicorn and My Beautiful Rocket)

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dark Woods

Salutare fetelor! Imi cer scuze ca scriu mai rar acum, dar sunt in sesiune si nu prea am timp de machiaje si blog...sunt nevoita sa merg pe "keepin' it simple" :)) adica eyeliner si rimel aproape zilnic. In fine. Asta l-am realizat ieri pentru ca am avut timp si vroiam ceva mai special putin pentru ca logodnicul meu m-a invitat sa luam masa in oras (in sfarsit avem si noi vreme de asa ceva). Sper sa va placa, am sa postez maine si un ghid foto si culorile pe care le-am folosit pentru acest look. Astazi am timp doar sa postez pozele.
Inainte de toate va rog pe toate care puteti sa dati un like la poza cu care particip in concursul Lime Crime: aveti aici linkul ---- Lime Crime Snow White and the Huntsman

Hey girls! Sorry for not posting so often now but I'm in the middle of examination period and I rarely have time for make-up and blogging....I'm obliged to keep it simple nowadays with just eyeliner and mascara almost every day. Anyways...I did this look yesterday because my fiance asked me to go eat out and I wanted something special. (we finally found time to eat out). I hope you enjoy it and I'm going to post tomorrow a photo guide along with the colors I used for this look. I only have time now to post the photos.
Before I post, please help me with some likes on the photo I'm participating with in the Lime Crime contest: here's the link ----- Lime Crime Snow White and the Huntsman

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

*Touch of the sun* Look

Salutare fetelor! Stiu ca nu am postat nimic de multa vreme, am tot incercat sa fiu consecventa in ceea ce priveste blogul insa chiar nu am avut timp. Ne-au ingropat profesorii in proiecte acuma pe ultima suta de metri si chiar nu am avut timp sa ca aparatul mi-a fost stricat si acuma l-am reparat asa ca oricum nu aveam cu ce sa fac poze la machiaje. In fine. Sper sa va placa machiajul pe care l-am realizat acum 2 zile :D V-am pupat si sa fiti cuminti! :D

Hey girls! I know I haven't posted anything for a while now, I kept trying to be consequent concerning the blog but I really didn't have time. The teachers buried us in projects now in the last moment and I really didn't have any time to my camera was broken and I just got it fixed so I could't take any pictures of my makeup anyway. I hope you like the look I did two days ago :D Kisses and be nice! ;)

Produse folosite/ Products used

Fata/Face Rimmel London Wake Me Up foundation, Wet n' Wild Cover All concealer
Ochi/Eyes Too Faced Shadow Insurance, MUG Gold Digger, Lime Crime (Chinadoll Palette) Goldfish, MUG Manderine, MUG Razzleberry, Manly 120 Palette, Lime Crime (Chinadoll Palette) Lotus Noir, Farmasi Liquid Eyeliner, Random brand purple eyeliner, L'Oreal Million de cils Mascara
Obraji/Cheeks Giordani Gold Bronzing Pearls
Buze/Lips MAC Lipstick in Snob